
Teacher Resources for Data Science

  • Workbook (Teacher’s Edition) [PDF] - A downloadable and printable copy of the workbook with solutions for all exercises.

  • Projects

    Making Infographics [rubric] Students develop a ratio statement from a dataset of their choice, and then illustrate it via a compelling infographic.

    Food Habits [rubric] Students analyze their snacking habits in comparison with data on childhood obesity in the U.S.

    Time Use [rubric] Students investigate the amount of time they spend interacting with technology and doing homework as compared with other Americans.

    Olympic Records [rubric] Students use scatter plots and linear regression to analyze data about olympic records in running, swimming, or speed skating.

    Threats to Validity [rubric] Students pretend to be terrible data scientists who develop and support claims based on faulty sampling techniques (selection bias, bias in the study design, poor choice of summary data, and confounding variables).

  • Research Paper Resources & Datasets

  • Online Community (Discourse) [link] - Talk with other Bootstrap teachers, ask questions, and share out ideas!

  • Collection of Bootstrap:Data Science Desmos Activities [link] - All of our Desmos Data Science lessons, in one place.

  • Contracts [link] - A PDF of the contracts pages from the back of the student workbook.

    • Bilingual Glossary of Bootstrap Terms (English-Spanish) file

Other Facilitation Resources

  • Implementation Options [link] - This guide includes suggestions for teachers looking spend a week, a month, or a semester teaching Bootstrap:Data Science.

  • Homework Submission Template [google form] - Efficiently collect hyperlinks to student work.

  • Broadening Participation [slides] - This compilation of best-practices from the CS-Education literature offers guidance on broadening student participation.

  • Dataset Tips [link]- We have also compiled some notes on our provided datasets, which we recommend for all teachers before having their students choose a dataset.

Resources that Pair Well with Bootstrap:Data Science

Research Paper Files

Every student (or, ideally, every pair of students) will need to save a copy of the Blank Research Paper. A Grading Rubric is also available for the research paper.

Looking for a shorter list? We’ve starred a few good beginner datasets.

The Environment & Health

Global Waste by Country 2019

Dataset Starter File

World Cities' Proximity to the Ocean

Dataset Starter File


Dataset Starter File

Air Quality, Pollution Sources & Health in the U.S.

Dataset Starter File

Health by U.S. County

Dataset Starter File

COVID in the U.S. by County

Dataset Starter File

Arctic Sea Ice

Dataset Starter File


Countries of the World

Dataset Starter File

Gerry Mandering

Dataset Starter File

Marijuana Laws & Arrests by State 2018

Dataset Starter File

LAPD Arrests 2010-2019

Dataset Starter File

NYPD Stop, Search & Frisk 2019

Dataset Starter File

Refugees 2018

Dataset Starter File

State Demographics

Dataset Starter File

U.S. Income

Dataset Starter File

U.S. Jobs

Dataset Starter File

U.S. Presidents

Dataset Starter File

U.S. Voter Turnout 2016

Dataset Starter File


Esports Earnings

Dataset Starter File

MLB Hitting Stats

Dataset Starter File

★NBA Players

Dataset Starter File

NFL Passing

Dataset Starter File

NFL Rushing

Dataset Starter File



Dataset Starter File

IGN Video Game Reviews

Dataset Starter File

International Exhibition of Modern Art

Dataset Starter File

North American Pipe Organs

Dataset Starter File


Dataset Starter File


Dataset Starter File


College Majors

Dataset Starter File

U.S. Colleges 2019-2020

Dataset Starter File

★R.I. Schools

Dataset Starter File

Evolution of College Admissions in California

Dataset Starter File


Soda, Coffee & Other Drinks

Dataset Starter File

Fast Food Nutrition

Dataset Starter File

Students can also import their own data into a Blank Starter File. They will need to modify this file for use with their dataset, and this tutorial video can walk them through it.

Exercises and Solutions

What Questions Can You Answer with the Given Data?

The Animals Dataset

Questions and Column Descriptions

Categorical or Quantitative?

Numbers and Strings


Applying Functions

Domain and Range Frayer model

Practicing Contracts: Domain & Range

Matching Expressions and Contracts


Using Contracts

Using Contracts (continued)

Triangle Contracts

Triangle Contracts (SAS & ASA)

Radial Star

Star Polygon

Pie Chart - Notice and Wonder

Bar Chart - Notice and Wonder

Bar & Pie Chart - Notice and Wonder

Matching Bar Charts to Pie Charts

Exploring Displays

(More) Exploring Displays

Practice Plotting

What Display Goes with Which Data?

Data Displays

Lookup Questions

More Practice with Lookups

Reading Row and Function Definitions

Exploring Row and Function Definitions

Function Cards

What Table Do We Get?

Matching Examples and Definitions (Math)

Matching Examples and Function Definitions

The Great gt domain debate

Matching Examples and Contracts

Contracts, Examples & Definitions

Contracts, Examples & Definitions - 2

The Design Recipe - Compute

The Design Recipe - Lookup

The Design Recipe: is-dog / is-female

The Design Recipe: is-old / name-has-s

Chaining Methods

Chaining Methods 2: Order Matters

Table Transformations with Method Chaining

Mood Generator

Sampling and Inference

Predictions from Samples

Grouped Samples from the Animals Dataset

Displaying Data

What’s on your mind?

My Dataset

Samples from My Dataset

The Design Recipe

The Design Recipe

Summarizing Columns

Making Histograms

Reading Histograms

Identifying Shape - Histograms

The Shape of the Animals Dataset

The Spread of My Dataset

Project: Word Length

Summarizing Columns in the Animals Dataset

Critiquing Written Findings

Interpreting Spread

Identifying Shape - Box Plots

Matching Box-Plots to Histograms

Matching Box-Plots to Histograms

Shape of My Dataset

“Trust, but verify …​”

“Trust, but verify…” (2)

(Dis)Proving a Claim

Creating a Scatter Plot

Identifying Form, Direction and Strength

Identifying Form and r-Values

Correlations in My Dataset

Identifying Form, Direction and Strength (Matching)

What’s on your mind?

Drawing Predictors

Interpreting Regression Lines & r-Values

Regression Analysis in the Animals Dataset

Regression Analysis in Your Dataset

Describing Relationships

Describing Relationships (2)

Case Study: Ethics, Privacy, and Bias

Identifying Threats to Validity

Identifying Threats to Validity

Fake News

Lies, Darned Lies, and Statistics

Identifying Threats to Validity (Part 1)

Identifying Threats to Validity (Part 2)

Identifying Threats to Validity (Part 3)

These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, and 1738598). CCbadge Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting