For Districts and Administrators
Bootstrap has partnered with a number of states and districts across the country, including the New York City Department of Education, Oklahoma State Department of Education, Rhode Island Department of Education, DC Public Schools, Anne Arundel Schools, San Diego USD, Oxnard School District, WeTeach_CS, University of Texas, and many more. We are used in classes ranging from gifted 4th-5th graders to 12th grade drop-out prevention programs in high schools.
More than just a curricular and PD provider, Bootstrap conducts peer-reviewed research on learning outcomes, transfer, efficacy, and student engagement. Information on our evaluation, student impact, and links to the full text of our research papers can be found on our
Impact page.
To learn more, or inquire about partnering with Bootstrap, email us at or request a workshop for your state or district.
Our Courses and PD Models
3 Days, 21 hours of PD

In a Bootstrap:Algebra workshop, participants learn the basics of computer programming in a mathematical language, and use these techniques to design and program their own video game. The workshop covers subjects that many math teachers already teach, including order of operations, word problems, linear functions, inequalities, piecewise functions, and the Pythagorean theorem. This workshop is appropriate for 7-12th grade algebra, math intervention, technology, or CS teachers.
5 Days, 35 hours of PD

Bootstrap:Data Science is an introductory class that applies statistical modeling and analysis to real-world datasets, allowing participants to answer questions that they care about, and use data to back up their conclusions. In a Bootstrap:Data Science workshop, participants learn the basics of programming, and use bar charts, pie charts, histograms, scatter plots, measures of center, and linear regression to create a research paper on a topic of their choice. This workshop is appropriate for 8-12th grade statistics, business, social studies, or history teachers.
5 days, 35 hours of PD

Bootstrap:Reactive makes a terrific follow-up for students in Bootstrap:Algebra or Bootstrap:Data Science. In this workshop, participants go deeper into programming, building more sophisticated programs using events and data structures. In this workshop participants choose their own final project, which could be a video game, animation, simulation, or program of their own design. This workshop is appropriate for math and CS teachers of grades 8-12 who have previously attended Bootstrap:Algebra or Data Science workshops.
5 days, 35 hours of PD

Bootstrap:Physics workshops are presented in partnership with the American Association of Physics Teachers and the American Modeling Teachers Association. In this workshop, participants use programming to build a variety of models and simulations of the physical world, and examine how computational modeling can be used to represent physical scenarios. Bootstrap:Physics is targeted at 9th grade Physics and the Physics First curriculum, but is also appropriate for any high school physics teacher.
As a member of the
CSforALL Consortium, Bootstrap believes that
every child deserves exposure to high-quality, rigorous Computer Science education. To that end, our modules are designed to be integrated into existing, mainstream classes that every student already takes, such as Algebra, Statistics, or Physics. These integrated courses also allow teachers without a CS degree to become successful Computer Science educators within their schools. We are also working with districts in California, Oklahoma, and Alabama to develop full-year algebra courses based on Bootstrap materials.
75% of Bootstrap teachers hold no CS degree
75% of Bootstrap instructors are non-CS teachers