Online Community (Discourse) [link] - Want to ask a question or pose a lesson idea for other Bootstrap teachers? Want to be kept up-to-date about Bootstrap events, workshops, and curricular changes? Our new discussion forum is the place to do it.
Implementation Options - looking to integrate Bootstrap:Data Science into your classroom? There are implementation guides for teachers looking to fill a week’s worth of time, or a full-year course! -
Contracts [file] - a reference PDF of just the contracts pages from the back of the student workbook.
Collection of Bootstrap:Data Science Desmos Activities [link] - Love Desmos as much as we do? We have plenty of Desmos activities infused throughout our Data Science lessons, and you can explore all of them in one place.
What’s Going on in this Graph? [nytimes.com] - Once a week, the NYTimes posts an interesting data visualization. This is a great resource to spark the curiosity of young data scientists, and make for a perfect Notice & Wonder activity!
The Pudding [link] - Terrific deep dives into data analysis for interesting topics. Another wonderful resource for students, with great animations showing the transformation of how data is visualized as the research questions evolve.
"How Not To" [Discourse.org] - We regularly post to social media under the hashtag
, taking a few friendly potshots are examples of terrible Data Science out there. Over on our teacher discussion board, we’ve kept a running tally of all of them! -
"Same Stats, Different Graphs" - [autodesk.com] - A wonderful illustration of why it’s so important to see the _shape of data, and not just focus on the descriptive statistics.
Guess the Correlation [link] - a game-ified resource for building intuition for correlation, based on randomly-generated scatterplots.
Box Plots and Histograms [link This starter file is designed such that the data in each column has a different shape and spread to support teachers looking to facilitate class discussions with a wide range of examples readily available at once.
Workshop Files
Pre-PD Survey - Please fill out this survey prior to your first day.
Post-PD Survey - Give us some feedback!
Starter Files
Exercises and Solutions
Project Files
Every student (or, ideally, every pair of students) will need to save a copy of the Blank Research Paper. A Grading Rubric is also available for the research paper.
- Gerry Mandering
- World Cities' Proximity to the Ocean
- Marijuana Laws & Arrests by State 2018
- College Majors
- US Jobs
- Refugees 2018
- Fast Food Nutrition
- Beverages Nutrition
- North American Pipe Organs
- Esports Earnings
- R.I. Schools
- Movies
- International Exhibition of Modern Art
- MLB Hitting Stats
- NBA Players
- NFL Passing
- NFL Rushing
- NYPD Stop, Search & Frisk 2019
- U.S. Voter Turnout 2016
- State Demographics
- Countries of the World
- U.S. Income
- Arctic Sea Ice
- U.S. Presidents
- Music
- IGN Video Game Reviews
Students can also import their data into a Blank Starter File. They will need to modify this file for use with their dataset, and this tutorial video can walk them through it.
Other Facilitation Resources
Broadening Participation [Google Slides] - Making computing relevant, accessible and welcoming to all students isn’t a pipe-dream. Like anything else worth doing, it takes some good practice and a desire to do it right and keep improving. We’ve put together some pointers based on best-practices from the CS-Education literature, for Bootstrap teachers or anyone looking to broaden participation in Computer Science.
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation,
(awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, and 1738598).
Bootstrap:Data Science by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting contact@BootstrapWorld.org.