Referenced from lesson Introduction to Computational Data Science (Spring, 2021)
The following is a dataset of a bicycle rider’s training rides.
date | miles | time (w/stops) | weather | average speed | max speed |
1 Decide whether each questions below can or cannot be answered with the given data and circle your selection.
2 In the space provided below, explain how you could answer the question using the data or why you cannot answer the question.
How many miles did the cyclist ride June 12th? |
Can or Cannot be Answered |
What tire pressure produces the highest average speed? |
Can or Cannot be Answered |
What is the average time it takes this cyclist to ride 1 mi? |
Can or Cannot be Answered |
Does this cyclist ride slower when it is rainy? |
Can or Cannot be answered |
Does this cyclist ride faster when they are late to an appointment? |
Can or Cannot be answered |
How many miles has the cyclist ridden in total as part of their training? |
Can or Cannot be Answered |
Are there any questions that you could find the answers to more than one way?
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation,
(awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, and 1738598).
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