Bootstrap:Data Science is incredibly flexible, with options for teachers in multiple subjects from grade 6-12. When considering an implementation model, there are three criteria to consider:

  1. What Domain Knowledge do you care about?

  2. Which Math/Statistics learning goals do you have?

  3. How much time do you have to spend on programming?

Small (1-4 weeks) Medium (4 weeks - 1 semester) Large (1 semester - 1 year)

Who: Non-CS and Non-Statistics teachers looking to integrate some Data Science, with minimal effort or distraction.

Who: CS/DS/Stats teachers, or other teachers looking to integrate more Data Science, who have more flexibility in their schedules.

Who: CS/DS/Stats teachers, for whom all the programming and/or statistics standards are already part of their scope and sequence.

Domain Knowledge

The choice of dataset has major implications for integration. Students can’t analyze a dataset on Water Salinity without knowing something about environmental science. If you’re a Math, Statistics, Data Science or Computer Science teacher, students are going to hit your learning goals no matter what dataset they analyze. History teachers, on the other hand, might want their students to analyze specific datasets on immigration, voting patterns, etc. A Physics teacher might want their students to collect data relating to the position of a ball rolling down a ramp over time, and a Biology teacher might want students to collect data about plants growing in the back of the classroom.

The first choice a teacher makes is what dataset(s) their students will use. Consider this first, before addressing the other implementation questions.

Math and Statistics

Depending on your subject area and grade level, you may have wildly differeny needs when it comes to data visualization, math, and statistics. A middle-school science teacher, for example, probably doesn’t need their students to confront linear regression! More than half of the Bootstrap:Data Science lessons deal with different kinds of math and statistics standards (pie and bar charts, histograms, box-plots, skew, measures of center, scatter plots, correlations, etc), but teachers should decide for themselves which lessons are important to their scope and sequence. If you’re looking to integrate Bootstrap:Data Science into your classroom, you only have to find time to teach the parts you need.


While this is the last decision you should make as a teacher, it’s also one of the most impactful. Nearly all of Bootstrap:Data Science can be taught using either a "lite" or "deluxe" programming component.

A student who completes Simple Datatypes and Contracts can do every single math and statistics lesson, exploring every type of data display and diving into measures of center and spread!

What is missing from this sequence is the ability to filter or transform their datasets, deepening their analysis and allowing for much higher engagement. But the lessons necessary to support this (Defining Functions, Table Methods, Defining Table Methods, Grouped Samples) are an extra week of class time, which not every teacher can afford.

In a CS or Data Science class, adding these lessons is a no-brainer. But for teachers integrating into Math, Science, Business, History, or Social Studies classes, this content can be left out to make the Bootstrap content take as little as a single week, or a few lessons spread out over the course of the year.

These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, and 1738598). CCbadge Bootstrap:Data Science by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting