(Also available in WeScheme)
Students use functions that produce and transform images to create their own personal logo. This project supports the learning goals of Function Composition.
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🔗Logo Study 15 minutes
Students will replicate a provided logo, then look at code for 3 logos designed by students in California, identifying important elements.
Draw a Circle of Evaluation for the expression 2 + 3 + 6.
Draw 2 additional (different) Circles of Evaluation for 2 + 3 + 6. You may change the order or groupings of the numbers, but the Circle must evaluate to the same result.
Here are some possible Circles of Evaluation:
(+ (+ 2 6) 3) |
(+ 2 (+ 3 6)) |
(+ 3 (+ 2 6)) |
When we want to add three numbers, there are a variety of ways to do so. Circles of Evaluation help us to visualize each possibility! The same goes when we use overlay
to layer three or more images in Pyret.
Open the Logos Warm Up.
Complete the instructions to write the code for a common logo.
Compare your code with a partner’s.
Did you and your partner write the same code?
Is it possible to write different code that would produce the same image?
Facilitate a conversation about students' favorite logos. Then, invite students to study some example logos (and the corresponding code that produced them!).
If I ask you to think of a logo (any logo!), what are some of the first that come to mind?
What makes those particular logos memorable or unique?
Possible responses: They include bright colors. They include simple shapes. The logo tells some sort of story.
Open the Logos Starter File and, before playing around with it, take a moment to focus on the code. What do you Notice? What do you Wonder?
Possible Noticings:
There are 3 logos defined.
The programmers are using more specific colors than standard red, blue, green
The code for sample-logo-1 slopes diagonally.
The code in this file is very organized. It’s been thoughtfully formatted with line breaks and indentations to make it readable. What guidelines do the programmers seem to be following?
There is a new line every time a new function appears.
There is a new line for every new layer.
Turn to Logo Study and complete it using the Logos Starter File.
How would you describe to a friend how the function
works? -
How can you use
to stack more than two images?
Debrief with students as a class to discuss any difficulties they encountered. If you’d like, you can collect the Logo Study and assess students using the first row of the Rubric: Create Your Own Logo. Some students may benefit from receiving feedback along the way, rather than only at the end of the project.
🔗Create Your Own Logo flexible
Students design their logo and consider which functions they will need to compose in order to build it. They represent their logo first with a simplified Circle of Evaluation, next with code. Finally, they publish and share their logo.
Turn to Designing Your Logo and complete the first two sections. If you need more room for your sketch, you can work or on a separate sheet of paper.
When you’re ready, swap papers with a partner and complete the Peer Review on the bottom section of the page.
Circulate as students work to understand any obstacles that students are facing. Discuss with students any common struggles and how to solve them. If you like, you may choose to have students submit their work again to receive teacher feedback on the second rubric row.
You’re going to be drawing a simplified Circle of Evaluation that will help you think through how to produce the logo you’ve sketched. Let’s take a quick look at an example. What do you Notice? What do you Wonder?
Make sure students notice that:
We aren’t giving all details about size and color in the diagram.
Every function is named, whether it’s a shape or a transformation.
Rotations include the number of degrees.
Even without all of the details, we will know where our parentheses open and close.
It’s time to draw a Circle of Evaluation for your logo. You can work on the top of Coding Your Logo or on a separate piece of paper.
When your Circle of Evaluation is complete, swap papers with a partner to give and receive feedback on your Circle of Evaluation.
Then complete the rest of Coding Your Logo, which walks you through defining your logo.
When you’re done, publish your link and share it with me.
Think about the process of creating your own logo. What was the most rewarding part? What was the most challenging part?
What advice would you offer to someone who was trying to build a logo, like you just did?
Once finished, encourage students to self-assess and revise their work. Peer review is built into the lesson, but you might also have students use Rubric: Create Your Own Logo to facilitate further self and peer review.
Finally, celebrate students' work! In many instances, students will want to share their project, given how much time they have invested. Class or public presentations can instill a sense of pride.
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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