We’re going to look at three logos made by Bootstrap students in San Diego. Open the Logos Starter File and click "Run". Type sample-logo-1
in the Interactions Area (right side) and hit enter, then repeat for the other sample logos.
1 Which logo’s picture looks the most complex to you?
2 Which logo’s code looks the most complex to you?
3 Which logo was your favorite? What did you like about it?
4 Look at the code for the logo you choose in the previous question. List all of the colors that the programmer used to create this logo.
5 List all of the image-producing functions (triangle
, rectangle
, etc.) that the programmer used to create this logo.
6 List all of the image-transforming functions (above
, rotate
, etc.) that the programmer used to create this logo.
7 How many layers does this logo have? (Note: When 2 images sit beside each other, they are in the same layer.)
8 When thinking through complex code, it can be helpful to use simplified versions of Circles of Evaluation that show the structure but not the nitty gritty details of colors and sizes of shapes.
Make a rough sketch of a logo that would satisfy the vision represented by the Circle of Evaluation below.
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting contact@BootstrapWorld.org.