Represent Your Logo with a Circle of Evaluation
1 Draw a Circle of Evaluation to show how you will compose the functions you selected in order to create your logo. If you need more space, use a separate sheet of paper.
Peer Review
2 Swap papers (this and your logo sketch) with a partner. Write your name on the line so that your teacher knows who is reviewing this design.
3 Did your partner put a function at the top of each Circle? If no, explain what the problem is.
4 When you compare the Circles of Evaluation to your partner’s logo sketch, do they match up? Or would the Circle produce an image different than the sketch?
5 Are there any syntax errors (strings missing quotation marks, decimals without at least one number before the decimal point, etc.)? If so, where?
Put Your Logo’s Code in Pyret
You’ll need the Logos Starter File open on your computer.
6 In the Definitions Area (left side), type my-logo = …
, replacing the …
with the code represented by your Circles of Evaluation. This defines the variable name my-logo
to be your logo image!
7 Test it out! Click "Run" and type my-logo
into the Interactions Area. If you get an error, read the message and resolve it. If the logo doesn’t look like the one you drew, try again until it works. Describe one adjustment that you made to your code.
8 Add a comment to the Definitions Area describing why you designed your logo the way you did.
9 What did you learn from completing this project?
10 Save your program! Select "File", then "Save a Copy." Go to "Publish", and copy the link that appears. Follow your teacher’s instructions and submit the link.
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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