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Unit 1While learning a new programming language, students review the major concepts and material from Bootstrap:1, including Contracts, Expressions dealing with numbers, strings and images, Variable definitions, Function definitions, and the Design Recipe.
Unit 2Students discover the need for data structures and practice defining them.
Unit 3Students, having worked with pre-made data structures in the last lesson (Cakes), generalize their understanding by defining more data structures of their own, accessing their fields, and writing functions that produce them.
Unit 4Students are introduced to event-based programming using big-bang, and codewalk through the ’next-world’ and ’draw-world’ functions. They they modify these functions and experiment with the results, eventually leading to a point where they discover the need for structures.
Unit 5Students return to the subject of piecewise functions, this time defining a key-event handler that modifies a world when certain keys are pressed.
Unit 6Students continue to combine their use of Ask and Data Structures, this time identifying ways in which the World structure might change without any user input.
Unit 7Students return to the Pythagorean Theorem and distance formula they used in Bootstrap:1, this time with data structures and the full next-world function.
Unit 8After thinking about their own game World, students practice building, drawing, and animating it.
Unit 9Using the same techniques as in their Ninja Cat games, students return to piecewise functions to write a function to make their own games respond to keypresses, and identify ways in which their own world structure will change without user input.
Unit 10Using the ’distance’ and ’is-collision’ functions they wrote for their Ninja Cat games, students complete collision detection in their own games, and return to the lists of questions to ask their world from the previous unit to complete their video games.
Supplemental LessonsThese supplemental lessons include ideas and explanations for frequently requested game elements, including a scoring system, levels, and an added challenge of using nested structures to create more complex games. These lessons are meant to be taught after students complete the main components of Bootstrap:2.
Student Workbook [PDF] - The lesson plans linked below are tightly integrated into the Student Workbook, which should be used with the curriculum. Please fill out a request using our online form, and we’ll get back to you right away.
Of course, there’s more to a curriculum than software and lesson plans! We also provide a number of resources to educators, including standards alignment, an answer key for the programming exercises, and forums where they can ask questions and share ideas.
Teacher-Only Resources - We also offer several teachers-only materials, including a list of all source files used throughout the curriculum. MANY more resources coming soon!
Support Forums [Announcements | Discussion] - Want to be kept up to date about Bootstrap events, workshops, and curricular changes? Want to ask a question or pose a lesson idea for other Bootstrap teachers? These forums are the place to do it.