(Also available in Pyret)
Students are introduced to the Design Recipe as a scaffold for breaking down word problems into smaller steps. They apply the Design Recipe to fixing a file that launches a rocket!
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Key Points for the Facilitator |
🔗The Design Recipe 10 minutes
In this lesson students build on what they already know about multiple representations of functions (contracts, examples and definitions) to write purpose statements and gain fluency with the Design Recipe.
A word problem is a description of a situation, but seeing the math behind the words can be challenging! We are going to learn a strategy for breaking down word problems, called the Design Recipe.
Programmers and Mathematicians alike find it helpful to restate a problem in their own words. After all, if you can’t explain a problem to someone else, you probably don’t understand it yourself!
In the Design Recipe we call this Writing a Purpose Statement.
We write Purpose Statements, because Contracts don’t provide enough details to generate examples and write a function definition.
For example, the Contract for circle
says it needs a Number and two Strings, but that’s not the whole story!
We can’t use negative numbers for the radius.
We can only use
for the first String. -
The last String has to be a color!
On Matching Word Problems and Purpose Statements, we see four word problems and four purpose statements.
Take 2 minutes to read them and see if you can find any that describe the same thing and should be matched to each other.
What pairs did you come up with?
What do you Notice about those purpose statements? Do they have anything in common?
Purpose statements should have enough details to allow us to write examples without looking at the word problem!
Turn to Writing Examples from Purpose Statements, read the purpose statements, and write examples that satisfy each of the contracts and purpose statements.
For more practice, complete Writing Examples from Purpose Statements (2).
A good Purpose Statement must have three things:
A description of what the function consumes
A description of what the function produces
All the relevant information about how to produce that output
Turn to Fixing Purpose Statements.
ChatGPT (an AI chatbot) has produced a purpose statement for each word problem… but ran into some difficulties.
Fix ChatGPT’s purpose statements, and then identify:
What important information was missing from each purpose statement that you would need to solve the problem?
What extra information was included, that wasn’t needed to solve the problem?
What are the important elements of purpose statements? Why are purpose statements useful?
The Design Recipe in your Classroom
The three steps of the Design Recipe are designed to mirror best practices that you may already be using in your classroom. It’s merely a collection of those practices, assembled in a structured way with great care taken to connecting each practice with the others.
Writing the Contract and Purpose Statement is where students understand the word problem. If you have your students restate the problem in their own words, draw pictures, or underline the inputs and outputs in the word problem, you’re already using this practice!
Writing examples and circling-and-labeling what changes is where students apply their understanding to concrete inputs. If you have your students work through some concrete examples before jumping straight to variables and formulas, and ask them "what’s the rule?" or "what’s the pattern?", you’re already using this practice!.
Writing the definition is where students formalize and abstract this understanding to work with any input. This is where they identify the structure of the rule or pattern, independently of any specific inputs.
The order of the recipe is a recommendation based on 20+ years of research about what works for most students, but that doesn’t mean this order works best for every student! Some may find it easier to work through a concrete example or two before thinking about Domain and Range, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We encourage you to use the Recipe in your classroom as often as possible, teaching students to be flexible with the tools and representations it includes.
🔗Rocket Height 25 minutes
Students are given a non-working program, which uses a linear function to determine the height of a rocket after a given length of time. The "broken" code is provided to lower cognitive load, allowing students to focus on comprehension (reading the code) and making use of structure (identifying where it’s broken).
There’s a lot of buzz out there around Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) tools, which claim to be able to solve math problems, write essays, and even write code for us!
A few students found A.I. tools that claim to be able to write Pyret programs for them. They asked the A.I. to generate code that makes a rocket blast off, starting on the ground (height=0) when the rocket first blasts off (time=0). The A.I. wrote the program for them.
How do they know if it really solved the problem correctly?
Open the Rocket Height Starter File, and click "Run".
What happens when you press the space-bar?
The seconds change, but the rocket doesn’t move!
What were you expecting to happen?
The rocket would move!
What happens when you press
The seconds go back down, but the rocket height stays at 0.
Direct students to close the window with the rocket, so that they can see the code.
If there are examples for how the program should work, we can automatically detect when AI writes bad code for us. But we didn’t get any warning here! Why not?
Type (rocket-height 0)
into the Interactions Area.
As the program is currently written, what happens when we give the
function an input of 0?-
It returns 0.
Is that what we want it to do?
As the program is currently written, what happens when we give the
function an input of 10?-
It returns 0.
Is that what we want it to do?
Why did the examples pass?
The programmer only gave one example! We should always provide at least two examples. More complex functions will require us to think about what range of examples will be necessary to test that our function does what we want it to!
We should always test a function definition against at least 2 examples!
Let’s use the Design Recipe to fix rocket-height
, and get comfortable with writing purpose statements.
Complete Word Problem: rocket-height.
As students work, circle the room and make sure that their purpose statements are strong enough that they could write examples without looking at the original word problem. Encourage students to circle what’s changing in their examples and label with descriptive variables.
Once you’ve completed the Design Recipe page for
, type the code into Definitions Area, replacing any missing and incorrect code with your own. -
When it’s working correctly, explore the other functions in the file.
For students needing more specific instructions about exploring the file, try the following:
Remove the comment from before the
(blastoff rocket-height)
and test the program. -
Put the comment back in front of
(blastoff rocket-height)
, remove the comment from(graph rocket-height)
, and test the program. -
Try out
(space rocket-height)
Try out
(everything rocket-height)
Teacher Tool: "Where’d You Get That?"
This is a powerful tool that forces students to explain their thinking, making deeper connections between steps, and helps teachers guide students to find their own mistakes. It requires two people: the Challenger, and the Defender. Most of the time, the teacher is in the role of Challenger.
The Challenger starts at the bottom of the page, physically pointing to one part of the Definition and asking "Where’d you get that?" The Defender has to physically point somewhere in the Examples, and explain what they’re pointing to supports their Definition.
Next, the Challenger starts asking about the Examples and the Defender needs to show how their Contract and Purpose support them. This is repeated for every other step in the recipe, as students work their way back to the original word problem:
Challenger (pointing at the
variable in the Definition): Where’d you get that? -
Defender (pointing at label in the Examples): Well, I circled the parts of the Examples that change, and labeled them as "seconds".
Challenger(pointing at the label): OK, but where did you get that label?
Defender (pointing at Purpose Statement): I used "seconds" in the Purpose Statement.
Challenger (pointing at Purpose Statement): Where’d you get that term?
Defender (pointing to Word Problem): I got it from reading the Word Problem.
For teachers who cover quadratic and exponential functions, or have students who need more of a challenge, checkout the Rocket Height Challenges:
Changing slope: Can you make the rocket fly faster? Slower?
Changing sign: Can you make the rocket sink down instead of fly up?
Motivating Quadratic Functions: Can you make the rocket accelerate over time, so that it moves faster the longer it flies?
Practicing the Quadratic Formula: Can you make the rocket blast off and then land again?
More practice: Can you make the rocket blast off, reach a maximum height of exactly 1000 meters, and then land?
More practice: Can you make the rocket blast off, reach a maximum height of exactly 1000 meters, and then land after exactly 100 seconds?
Motivating Exponential Functions: Can you make the rocket fly to the edge of the the universe?
Even great programmers make mistakes sometimes. And in a world where AI is being used more and more, it’s critical that we be able to write examples so that we can detect when AI messes up!
What problems did you fix in AI’s code?
What did the other functions do?
Which step in the Design Recipe are you feeling the most confident about? The least?
At this stage, it is normal for students to feel most confident about the Contract and Examples, and the least confident about Purpose Statements and Definitions.
Design Recipe Telephone
Most computer programs are written by teams, and sometimes those teams represent hundreds of people spread across the world! It is critical that each team member records their thinking with enough detail for other team members to be able to pick up where they left off. In Design Recipe Telephone, students collaborate to complete a series of Design Recipe Problems, with each student being responsible for only one part of each problem in the set.
You can use any word problems you like, but we have provided two sets that lend themselves particularly well to the activity. One set can be used to collaboratively update the functions in Collaboration Starter File - For use with Design Recipe Telephone Set 1, which generates a cool mystery image if all three problems are solved correctly!
Optionally: At the end of the activity, students swap papers with a partner to conduct a Design Recipe Peer review. Use Rubric: Design Recipe to facilitate this process.
🔗Additional Exercises
For more practice connecting Examples and Contracts, complete Writing Examples from Purpose Statements (2).
While most problems in a math book ask students to solve something, the actual challenge is figuring out what the equation is that needs to be solved: setting it up is where the thinking happens, and solving it is just arithmetic.
To help you apply the Design Recipe to more of your scope and sequence, we’ve provided a library of Design Recipe worksheets which connect to various curricular goals. We hope that you will be inspired by this library, and begin using the Design Recipe with more of the problems in your book!
You may also want to ask students to create their own appropriately challenging word problem (with a solution) and collect the responses for later use as "Do Now" tasks or formative assessment.
You can find blank Design Recipes at the back of the book, or print additional ones of your own.
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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