
Bootstrap:Data Science

Evidence-based, integrated materials for grade 7-12 classes

  • Leverage students' curiosity about the world around them to inspire real data analysis and original research.
  • Lessons are available for data visualization, measures of center and spread, programming, linear regression, and more.
  • Mix and match to create anything from a one-week intro to a full-year course!
  • And when students have completed our K-12 materials, there's a smooth pathway all the way to Data Science in Python via the Data-Centric Introduction to Computing textbook!

Download a one-page summary of the course Bootstrap:Data Science is a balanced curriculum, addressing the four ingredients of K-12 Data Science.

Classroom Materials

Our Data Literacy materials are ideal for grades 7-9, and for teachers who want a lightweight introduction to Data Science that can be used as a semester-long elective, or integrated into existing math, science, social studies, history, business, or computing classes.

Our full Data Science materials are ideal for grades 9-12, and for teachers who want a full-year Data Science class that covers everything in our Data Literacy materials, and adds advanced analysis, function definition, and modeling with linear, quadratic, exponential, and periodic models.

Created with Support from

Compare to other Curricula

There are lots of different approaches to Data Science. Why is ours different?

Learn More

Bootstrap was the first national provider to offer an integrated Data Science course. See our blog post for the design principles that underlie our approach.

You can also find previous versions of our materials: Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2019, Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018 and Spring 2017.