Everyone on our curriculum team is a former teacher, and we know how hard it can be to lose a curriculum you and your students love!
But we’ve got great news for you: Code.org’s CS in Algebra curriculum is actually based on Bootstrap! That heritage means that there’s a smooth path for teachers looking to pick up where they left off with Code.org. The transition won’t be hard, and we’re excited to get you through it!
We’ve kept refining and improving our materials over the last decade, making them easier to use and integrating even more math-ed best practices to improve student outcomes. If you’re a teacher who likes CS in Algebra, you’re going to love Bootstrap!
How Do I Get Started?
Our entire curriculum - including lesson plans, homework assignments, assessments, rubrics, slides, and more - are freely available on our website.
If you’re interested in getting some professional development, join us for our 1-day virtual Algebra PD on September 30th or look for a workshop in your area or online.
Finally, join our mailing list list to stay updated on the latest offerings and connected to Bootstrap.
What Stays the Same?
Every lesson from CS in Algebra comes from a lesson in Bootstrap:Algebra, so all the content you know is still there!
Sam the Butterfly (Code.org teachers know it as “Sam the Bat”)
We invented Circles of Evaluation as a way to think about order of operations and function composition (CS in Algebra calls them "Evaluation Blocks"), and CS in Algebra uses the same Design Recipe technique for breaking down word problems. If you’re a Code.org teacher who’s been using these in CS in Algebra, you’ll feel right at home in Bootstrap!
What’s Different?
The biggest difference is that Bootstrap students program in a text-based language called Pyret, rather than a block-based one. Pyret was designed specifically for classroom contexts, making it an ideal "first language" for students new to text-based programming. Pyret includes learner-friendly error messages that are written in clear, easy to understand language. Pyret syntax is also simple and easy to follow, making it substantially more approachable for students than "professional" languages like Javascript and Python.
We take paper and pencil seriously, and recognize that sometimes the best place for students to do thinking is OFF the computer. Every Bootstrap activity is scaffolded by a workbook page (available in print and digital form), which can be done without a computer. CS in Algebra has a few "unplugged" activities, but assumes that students are in front of the computer most of the time.
Students who complete Bootstrap:Algebra can build on what they know, going deeper into Statistics in Bootstrap:Data Science, Computer Science in Bootstrap:Reactive, Physics and even Algebra 2 (stay tuned!). In contrast, CS in Algebra was intentionally designed as a terminal curriculum—it does not build towards other courses.
Bootstrap:Algebra is laser-focused on improving math outcomes for students, and is based on best-practices in math education. Our curriculum has been independently evaluated, showing student gains in algebra (we also published our own transfer results). CS in Algebra has not been evaluated for student outcomes.
CS in Algebra is primarily focused on building a videogame. While that’s an option in Bootstrap:Algebra, some teachers focus on our other projects (like Making Flags), or even just focus entirely on the math!
Bootstrap:Algebra also goes well beyond the math covered in Code.org’s curriculum. We have lessons on the vertical line test, connecting multiple representations of functions, computing the surface area of prisms, and much more.
We offer a complete standards-alignment guide, to help you identify where these lessons fit within your math or CS class.
We look forward to working with you, and welcoming you into the Bootstrap community. Even if you’re not sure about taking the plunge yet, we hope you’ll join our mailing list so that we can stay in touch and let you know about new materials, events, and training opportunities. You can also join the Bootstrap Discourse Group, to talk with other Bootstrap teachers around the world.
Transitions are hard, but we’ve helped thousands of teachers get started with Bootstrap:Algebra over the years and most of them didn’t have such a strong pool of experience to draw from! You’re going to do great.
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927). Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting contact@BootstrapWorld.org.