About this Dataset

Wow! Getting There Needs Improvement

I explained why this dataset is interesting to me, others like me, and why others should care about this data. I considered why the dataset was collected, and what purpose it might serve. I correctly identified all the rows, columns, and types in my dataset.

I explained why this dataset was interesting to me and at least one other person/group, and shared something about where it came from. I correctly identified most of the rows, columns, and types in my dataset.

I explained why this dataset was interesting to me, and shared something about where it came from. I correctly identified some rows, columns, and types in my dataset.

Displays (To be scored according to the descriptors at the bottom of the page.)

Display Rating Teacher Feedback

Bar Chart

  • ❏ Wow

  • ❏ Getting There

  • ❏ Needs Improvement

Pie Chart

  • ❏ Wow

  • ❏ Getting There

  • ❏ Needs Improvement


  • ❏ Wow

  • ❏ Getting There

  • ❏ Needs Improvement

Box Plot

  • ❏ Wow

  • ❏ Getting There

  • ❏ Needs Improvement

Scatter Plot

  • ❏ Wow

  • ❏ Getting There

  • ❏ Needs Improvement

Linear Regression

  • ❏ Wow

  • ❏ Getting There

  • ❏ Needs Improvement

Wow! Getting There Needs Improvement

I added two or more of the specified display to my slide deck. For each display, I indicated which column(s) I used and described how I made it. If the display was useful or interesting, I made a strong attempt to interpret it. When interesting questions emerged, I added them to the "My Questions" section of my slide deck.

I added one of the specified display to my slide deck. For the display, I provided the column name and a description of how I made it. When displays were useful or interesting, I attempted to interpret them, but my interpretations lacked detail. When interesting questions emerged, I added them to the "My Questions" section of my slide deck.

I included one display or no displays in my slide deck. My slides do not include a correct column name or description of how I made the display. I either failed to interpret my data, or did so inaccurately.

These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927). CCbadge Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting contact@BootstrapWorld.org.