Note to teachers: This rubric is intended as a guide. We encourage you to consider your instructional priorities and weight each category accordingly.

Wow! Getting There Needs Improvement


The images are appropriately sized and face the right direction. They make sense in the game and it is easy to discern which image is the danger / target / player.

The sizing of the images is slightly off and/or they face the wrong way. The images cause the game to feel a little confusing for the player.

The images take up way too much/little space in the game or are not on a transparent background. The game feels confusing and jumbled as a result.

Danger and Target Speed

The danger and target move at appropriate speeds for game play to be fun.

The speed of the danger and/or target are slightly too fast or too slow for the game to be fun to play

The speed of the danger and target are wrong, causing the game to be too difficult, too easy or very confusing.

Danger and Target Orientation

The danger and target move in appropriate directions for the game to be fun.

The direction of either the danger or target don’t make sense.

The direction of the danger and target don’t make sense.

Onscreen Detection

Onscreen detection is appropriate, allowing the danger and target to fly across the screen and return smoothly.

The programmer needs to optimize onscreen detection to improve game play and/or there is some “glitching” of the danger and target near the edge of the screen.

The danger and target do not return when they go off screen.

Player Movement

The player moves in a variety of directions at an appropriate speed for game play to be fun.

The player’s movement does not completely make sense. Hitting a random key produces an error.

The player does not move at all.


The collisions happen at appropriate times.

The collisions happen slightly too early / late, when images are already overlapping or have not yet made contact.

The timing of the collisions is way off, causing the game to feel confusing and disorienting.

Code Quality

The programmer provides contracts and clear purpose statements for each and every function. There are examples provided for every key press and for every "else" clause. There are no failed examples.

Occasionally, the programmer forgets a contract or provides a confusing purpose statement. There is one failed example.

Coding seems rushed, with frequent missing contracts and purpose statements. There are multiple failed examples.

These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, and 1738598). CCbadge Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting