These questions are designed to accompany the Survey of Eighth Graders and their Favorite Desserts Starter File.

1 Paolo made a pie-chart of the dessert column and was suprised to discover that Fruit was the most popular dessert among 8th graders! Make the pie-chart. Why is this pie-chart misleading? How is the data "dirty"?

2 What ideas do you have for how the survey designer could have made sure that the data in the dessert column would have been cleaner?

3 Shani made a bar-chart of the gender-id column. In her analysis she stated that the most common gender identity among eighth graders in her class is male. Make the pie-chart. Do you agree? Why or Why Not?

4 Make a chart showing the ages of the 8th graders surveyed. What "dirty" data problems do you spot and how are they misleading?

5 What ideas do you have for how the survey designer could have made sure that the data in the age column would have been cleaner?

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