1 In the Interactions Area, create a scatter plot for the Animals Dataset, using "pounds"
as the xs and "weeks"
as the ys.
Form: Does the point cloud appear linear or non-linear?
Direction: If it’s linear, does it appear to go up or down as you move from left to right?
Strength: Is the point cloud tightly packed, or loosely dispersed?
Would you predict that the r-value is positive or negative?
Will it be closer to zero, closer to ±1, or in between?
What r-value, does Pyret compute when you type
r-value(animals-table, "pounds", "weeks")
? -
Does this match your predictions?
2 In the Interactions Area, create a scatter plot for the Animals Dataset, using "age"
as the xs and "weeks"
as the ys.
Form: Does the point cloud appear linear or non-linear?
Direction: If it’s linear, does it appear to go up or down as you move from left to right?
Strength: Is the point cloud tightly packed, or loosely dispersed?
Would you predict that the r-value is positive or negative?
Will it be closer to zero, closer to ±1, or in between?
What r-value does Pyret compute?
Does this match your prediction?
3 Is this correlation stronger or weaker than the correlation for "pounds"
What does that mean?
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation,
(awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, and 1738598).
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