1 The Lopez family loves to go camping. So, each year Grandma buys Savannah and Rosa new gear. This year they’re getting camping mugs. They are available in 5 colors: green, blue, red, silver and copper. Draw the tree-diagram for all possible mug permutations, if Grandma chooses a mug for one girl and then the other.
2 How many different permutations (with replacement) are there for these mugs?
3 Grandma wonders if maybe the mugs should be different colors so that the girls can tell them apart. Draw the tree-diagram for all possible mug permutations, if Grandma chooses a mug for one girl and then the other.
4 How many different permutations (without replacement) are there for these mugs?
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation,
(awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, and 1738598).
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