Click through the datasets below. When you find one you’d like to use in Pyret, (1) click the "Starter File" link to open it in a new tab and (2) select "Save a copy" from the "File" menu.
Looking for a shorter list? We’ve starred a few good beginner datasets.
The Environment & Health
- Global Waste by Country 2019
- World Cities' Proximity to the Ocean
- Earthquakes
- Air Quality, Pollution Sources & Health in the U.S.
- Health by U.S. County
- COVID in the U.S. by County
- Arctic Sea Ice
- Countries of the World
- Gerry Mandering
- Marijuana Laws & Arrests by State 2018
- LAPD Arrests 2010-2019
- NYPD Stop, Search & Frisk 2019
- Refugees 2018
- State Demographics
- U.S. Income
- U.S. Jobs
- U.S. Voter Turnout 2016
- Esports Earnings
- MLB Hitting Stats
- NBA Players
- NFL Passing
- NFL Rushing
- ★Movies
- IGN video game Reviews
- International Exhibition of Modern Art
- North American Pipe Organs
- Pokemon
- Music
- College Majors
- U.S. Colleges 2019-2020
- ★R.I. Schools
- Evolution of College Admissions in California
- Soda, Coffee & Other Drinks
- Fast Food Nutrition
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation,
(awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, and 1738598).
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