1 Describe 3 interesting facts you uncovered in your internet research on teens and stress?
source: -
source: -
Data Collection Reflection
2 How well have you done with collecting data for this project? Circle one of the choices below and explain why you ranked it at that level.
(5) Excellent (4) Very Well (3) Average (2) Below Average (1) Not as well as I wanted (0) Collected no data
3 Do you think everyone in the class collected data on the randomly selected times? Could our data have some problems due to people forgetting to enter data at the set time? Is there anything that could have happened to cause our class data to be biased?
Planning to get to work in Pyret
4 What 2 research questions have you decided to pursue for your paper? Why?
5 What data transformations might help you to answer your questions? Filtering? Building columns? What functions do you plan to write with filter
or build-column
6 What data visualizations do you plan to make? Name the types of visualizations and the variables you think you will use.
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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