Wow! | Getting There | Needs Improvement | |
Data collection |
I filled in the Google form each and every time I had a snack. If I was unable to complete the form at the time of the snack, I made a point of completing it as soon as possible. When I responded to the prompts, I gave accurate information (acquired by looking at the nutritional label). This snacking log perfectly accurately represents my snacking. |
I filled in the Google form almost every time I had a snack. When I responded to the prompts, I tried my best to give accurate information, but sometimes I made guesses about the number of servings, calories per serving, etc. Overall, the accuracy of the data collected is decent, however. |
I often forgot to fill in the Google form when I snacked. I had to go back and dig through my memories to make educated guesses about my snacking habits. The information recorded during the data collection phase is most likely not an accurate depiction of my snacking habits. |
Part 1: Our Snacking Habits |
I’ve reflected on the process of tracking my snacking habits, providing interesting details about what I learned. I have offered meaningful noticings and wonderings about our class' snacking habits. I shared a display that I found interesting. |
My reflections on the process of tracking my snacking habits are brief and would benefit from additional detail. The observations I shared about our class' snacking habits were shallow. I shared a display, but it was not necessarily interesting. |
My reflections on snack tracking and our class dataset are brief, confusing, or missing entirely. |
Part 2: US Snacking Habits |
I’ve included an interesting graph and/or statistic from a credible source to represent America’s snacking habits. At the end of the slide deck, I’ve credited my sources. I have explained why the graph caught my attention and what it made me wonder. |
I’ve included a graph and/or statistic to represent America’s snacking habits, but the source is not entirely credible. My explanation of why I have chosen this graph is not compelling. |
I have either forgotten to include a graph/statistic to represent America’s snacking habits, or the graph/statistic that I chose is not appropriate for this project. |
Part 3: My statistical question and its answer |
I developed a compelling and interesting statistical question based on the data I collected. I clearly answered that question by presenting plots, tables, photos and thoughtful written analysis. |
The statistical question I chose is not fully answered by the data presented. I have put in some effort to answer the question with plots, tables, photos and written analysis, but more detail is needed. |
Either my statistical question is simple and straightforward, and answering it did not require much critical analysis by me, or my statistical question was not adequately answered by my graphics and written analysis. |
Part 4: Conclusion & Sources |
I truthfully and honestly answered all questions about the challenges of this project. I addressed in detail how the project’s challenges might have affected the quality of my data. I’ve provided accurate source information. |
My discussion of the challenges of this project was brief and lacking in detail. I only partially addressed how this project’s challenges might have affected the quality of my data. I’ve provided some source information. |
I did not offer enough thoughtful discussion on the challenges of collecting data. It is not clear to the reader that I understand how challenges I encountered could affect the quality of the data. My source information is missing or inaccurate. |
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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