A class was asked to write code to build an image of the Puerto Rican flag. Two students started by defining the following values:
(define background (rectangle 300 200 "outline" "black"))
(define rrectangle (rectangle 300 200/5 "solid" "red"))
(define btriangle (rotate 30 (triangle 200 "solid" "blue")))
(define wstar (star 40 "solid" "white"))
They then two very different strategies to define puerto-rico
to compose an image of the flag. And both work!
Mia’s Method:
Savannah’s Method:
1 How is their code similar?
2 How is their code different?
3 What else do you Notice?
4 What do you Wonder?
Open the Composing 1 Step at a Time Starter File and click "Run".
5 Type step1
and hit Enter. Do the same thing with step2
, step3
, step4
… What happens?
6 Which strategy do you prefer? Why?
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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