Complete the prompts below to brainstorm flags you are interested in coding. Then, locate images of each flag to make a decision about which one you’d like to create.
What are some different flags you might want to code and why? Choose three.
1 Flag: Why?
2 Flag: Why?
3 Flag: Why?
Conduct an internet search to locate images of the flags you listed above, or refer to Flags of the World and Flag Wizard. Respond to the prompts below, providing as much detail as you can. Here are some questions to consider:
How many shapes would you need to define?
How many colors does the flag include? What are they?
What color do you think the background of the flag should be?
What is the length:width ratio of the flag?
4 The first flag I’m considering is . Here is how I would describe the flag’s appearance:
5 The second flag I’m considering is . Here is how I would describe the flag’s appearance:
6 The third flag I’m considering is .Here is how I would describe the flag’s appearance:
7 After reflecting on the design and appearance of each flag, what flag are you going to create for this project?
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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