Choose one display that interests you from the following sources:
1 Title of the display you chose:
2 What drew you to this display? How do the visuals make the display more accessible or exciting?
Make Your Own Simple Display
Choose a dataset that interests you - or one that you’re already working with - and use bar-chart
, pie-chart
, histogram
, or scatter-plot
to create a simple display that is interesting to you.
3 What display did you create, and what columns did you use?
4 What does the display show? Why would it be interesting to someone else?
Make Your Own Custom Display
5 Think about at least two columns that might give you more insight into your data, and why those other columns matter in your display. Write your observations and questions below.
6 Describe the Custom Display you want to make and what visual cues will enhance the display.
7 In (CPO)
Define a row-consuming function that produces custom images for each Row in your dataset using your new column(s).
Use your row-consuming function to create a data display that makes the data come alive, and shows the deeper patterns at work.
Follow your teacher’s directions for submitting your Pyret file.
8 What new insights did you gain and why couldn’t you see them in the original display?
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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