Open the Expanded Animals Starter File, and save a copy.
1 Evaluate the more-animals
table in the Interactions Area. This is the complete population of animals from the shelter!
Here is a true statement about that population: The population is 47.7% fixed and 52.3% unfixed.
Type each of the following lines into the Interactions Area and hit “Enter".
random-rows(more-animals, 10)
random-rows(more-animals, 40)
2 What do you get?
3 What is the Contract for random-rows
4 What does the random-rows
function do?
5 In the Definitions Area,
to berandom-rows(more-animals, 10)
to berandom-rows(more-animals, 40)
6 Make a pie-chart
for the animals in each sample, showing percentages of fixed and unfixed.
The percentage of fixed animals in the entire population is 47.7%
The percentage of fixed animals in
is -
The percentage of fixed animals in
7 Make a pie-chart
for the animals in each sample, showing percentages for each species.
The percentage of tarantulas in the entire population is roughly 5%
The percentage of tarantulas in
is -
The percentage of tarantulas in
8 Click "Run" to direct the computer to generate a different set of random samples of these sizes. Make a new pie-chart
for each sample, showing percentages for each species.
The percentage of tarantulas in the entire population is roughly 5%
The percentage of tarantulas in
is -
The percentage of tarantulas in
9 Which sample size gave us a more accurate inference about the whole population? Why?
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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