This page is designed to accompany the Compound Inequalities Starter File. When you click "Run" you will see 4 graphs. The first two are simple inequalities and the second two are compound inequalities.
1 What does and-intersection
2 Why is the dot on 5 red and the circle on 15 green?
3 Do you think every graph made with and-intersection
will have a red dot at one end and a green dot at the other? Why or why not?
4 What does or-union
5 Why did the graph of this or-union
result in the whole numberline being shaded blue?
6 Not all graphs of or-union
will look like this. Can you think of a pair of inequalities whose union won’t shade the whole graph?
Change the function definition on line 8 to x < 5 and the definition on line 9 to x ≥ 15.
Before you click "Run", think about what the new graphs of and-intersection
and or-union
will look like. Then test them out.
7 What does the new and-intersection
graph look like?
8 What does the new or-union
graph look like?
9 Why is the dot for 5 still red and the dot for 15 still green?
10 Which of the 8 numbers from the list are part of the solution set?
How do you know?
11 Is 3 part of the solution set? Explain.
12 Is 10 part of the solution set? Explain.
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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