Open your saved Animals Starter File, or make a new copy. After dragging an attribute to an axes, select Group into Bins from the Configuration menu. Fuse dots into bars, then enter the desired bin width.
Make a histogram for the "weeks" column in the animals-table, using a bin size of 10 and the "name" column for your labels.
1 How many animals took between 0 and 10 weeks to be adopted?
2 How many animals took between 10 and 20 weeks to be adopted?
Try some other bin sizes (be sure to experiment with bigger and smaller bins!)
3 What shape emerges?
4 What bin size gives you the best picture of the distribution? (Note: ideally your histogram should have between 5 and 10 bars)
5 Are there any outliers? If so, are they high or low?
6 How many animals took between 0 and 5 weeks to be adopted?
7 How many animals took between 5 and 10 weeks to be adopted?
8 What else do you Notice? What do you Wonder?
9 What was a typical time to adoption?
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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