A unit clock (shown below) is centered at the origin (0, 0). As time passes, the point (A, B) rotates around the circle.
1 The radius r of the circle below has a length of 1. What is the length of the hypotenuse of the right-triangle formed by A and B?
2 The tables above show the values of A and B at 12 o’clock. Fill in the values of A and B at 3, 6 and 9 o’clock.
3 In the diagram above, the hand is pointing to (A,B) at 1:30. At this time, A = B. In the space below, (a) draw and label the right triangle, then (2) fill in the remaining blanks in both tables to show A and B.
4 Use the values you computed at 1:30 to fill in the rest of the table with values of A and B at 4:30, 7:30, and 10:30.
5 In the graph below, draw a dot for the coordinates (time, A) in each row of the table. Connect them from left-to-right, to form a curve.
6 In the graph below, draw a star for the coordinates (time, B) in each row of the table. Connect them from left-to-right, to form a curve.
Open the Desmos File Exploring Periodic Functions. You should be on Slide 1: Unit Clocks.
7 "Turn on" the x(time)
folder, and compare the graph to your own graph of A
. Do they match?
8 Turn off that first folder, and turn on the one for y(time)
. Compare the graph to your own graph of B
. Do they match?
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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