For this section, you’ll need the Countries of the World Starter File open on your computer. If you haven’t already, select Save a Copy from the "File" menu to make a copy of the file that’s just for you. The columns in this dataset are described below:

  • country - name of the country

  • gdp - total Gross Domestic Product of the country. GDP is often used to measure the economic health of a country.

  • population - number of people in the country

  • pc-gdp - the average GDP per-person, in thousands of $US

  • has-univ-healthcare - indicates if the country has universal healthcare

  • median-lifespan - the median life expectancy of people in the country

1 Make a scatter plot showing the relationship between pc-gdp and median-lifespan, and sketch its plot below.

An empty graph for sketching on

2 What do you Notice?

3 What do you Wonder?

4 Are there any countries that stand out? Why or why not?

5 Suppose a wealthy country is suffering heavy casualties in a war. Draw a star on the plot, showing where you might expect it to be.

6 Do you think you see a relationship? If so, describe it. Is it linear or nonlinear? Strong or weak?

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