Build a Model through Trial & Error

Find # Define some rows in the Definitions Area.
Add two new definitions for MA (row 21) and NV (row 28), using the definitions for alaska and alabama as a model.

1 Record the college-or-higher and median-income values for MA and NV, as (x,y) pairs below:

(MA college-or-higher, MA median-income) (NV college-or-higher, NV median-income)

2 Derive the MA-NV model (using the same steps you followed to derive the AL-AK model on Fit a Model: College Degrees v. Income) and write it below (in both Function and Pyret notation), then fit the model and record the S-value:

ma - nv(x) = slope (m)x + y-intercept / vertical shift fun ma-nv​(​x​): (​  ​* x​) +   end S:

3 Identify two other states that you think would make a better model: and .

Add two new definitions for these states to your Fitting a Model: State Demographics Starter File.

4 Record the college-or-higher and median-income values for these states, as (x,y) pairs below:

(college-or-higher, median-income) (college-or-higher, median-income)

5 Derive your model and write it below (in both Function and Pyret notation), then fit the model and record the S-value:

other(x) = slope (m)x + y-intercept / vertical shift fun other​(​x​): (​  ​* x​) +   end S:

6 Adjust the slope and y-intercept of your model to get the smallest S possible. Write the best model you find (and corresponding S) below:

best(x) = slope (m)x + y-intercept / vertical shift fun best​(​x​): (​  ​* x​) +   end S:

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