Note: The contracts on this page are not defined in WeScheme and cannot be tested in the editor.
Consider the following Contract:
; is-beach-weather :: Number, String -> Boolean
1 What is the Name of this function?
2 How many arguments are in this function’s Domain?
3 What is the Type of this function’s first argument?
4 What is the Type of this function’s second argument?
5 What is the Range of this function?
6 Circle the expression below that shows the correct application of this function, based on its Contract.
(is-beach-weather 70 90)
(is-beach-weather 80 100 "cloudy")
(is-beach-weather "sunny" 90)
(is-beach-weather 90 "stormy weather")
Consider the following Contract:
; cylinder :: Number, Number, String -> Image
7 What is the Name of this function?
8 How many arguments are in this function’s Domain?
9 What is the Type of this function’s first argument?
10 What is the Type of this function’s second argument?
11 What is the Type of this function’s third argument?
12 What is the Range of this function?
13 Circle the expression below that shows the correct application of this function, based on its Contract.
(cylinder "red" 10 60)
(cylinder 30 "green")
(cylinder 10 25 "blue")
(cylinder 14 "orange" 25)
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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