# count :: Table, String -> Table
1 What is the Domain of count
2 What is the Range of count
3 What do you suspect the String in the Domain will describe?
Suppose we wanted to know how many animals had 4 legs…
Type count(animals-table, "legs")
into the Interactions Area and click "Enter"
4 What did the expression produce?
5 How many animals had 4 legs?
6 Think of another question you might be able to answer with the count
7 Fill in the blanks with the code you’d write.
function-name (table-name :: Table, column-name :: String)
8 Tables that summarize data with a count are commonly used in the real world. Give two examples of where you’ve seen them before:
Example 1:
Example 2:
9 Newscasters and journalists often incorporate data into their reporting. How else might they display this information, besides using a table?
10 Type first-n-rows(animals-table, 5)
. What happens?
11 If we wanted a table of the first 3 rows of the animals-table
, what code would you write?
12 What is the Contract for first-n-rows
★ What happens when you type first-n-rows(sort(animals-table, "pounds", true), 5)
Note: In this case, the output of sort(animals-table, "pounds", true)
is the Table first-n-rows
is taking in!
★ ★ See if you can figure out how to compose the code that would generate a table of the 10 oldest animals!
function-name (Table, Number)
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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