The table t
below represents three animals from the shelter:
name | sex | age | fixed | pounds |
Create a Transformer card that responds to the given prompt on the left. When you’re done, give the Transformer a useful name. We’ve done the first one to get you started.
Prompt | Transformer Card | Name & Purpose Statement | |
1 |
Create a Transformer that produces a Table containing all animals younger than 5. |
Type: filter[filter/build/transform] Dataset: Expression: |
Checks the row to see whether age is less than 5. |
2 |
Create a Transformer that produces a Table showing all fixed animals. |
Type: [filter/build/transform] Dataset: Expression: |
3 |
Create a Transformer that produces a Table with a new column ("age next year") that adds 1 year to each age. |
Type: [filter/build/transform] Dataset: Name of New Attribute: Expression: |
4 |
Create a Transformer that produces a Table that transforms pounds to kilos (divide by 2.205) but does not add a new column. |
Type: [filter/build/transform] Dataset: Attribute to Transform: Name of New Attribute: Expression: |
5 |
Create a Transformer that produces a Table that doubles pounds but does not add a new column. |
Type: [filter/build/transform] Dataset: Attribute to Transform: Name of New Attribute: Expression: |
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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