Algebra 2 teachers looking to integrate only the non-linear modeling content into their classes will want our Algebra 2 materials.
Teachers of earlier-grades or those looking to integrate Data Science into their existing Math, Science, or History classes will want to work with our Data Literacy materials.
Lesson Plans
- Computing Needs All Voices
Students learn about a diverse group of programmers through a short film and a gallery walk of our Pioneers in Computing and Mathematics poster series, then consider the problem solving advantages that diverse teams foster.
- Introduction to Data Science
Students learn about Categorical and Quantitative data, are introduced to Tables by way of the Animals Dataset, and consider what questions can and cannot be answered with available data.
- Simple Data Types
Students begin to program, exploring how Numbers, Strings, Booleans and operations on those data types work in a programming language. Booleans offer an excellent opportunity for students to explore the meaning and real-world uses of inequalities.
- Contracts: Making Tables and Displays
Students learn about functions for sorting and counting data in tables, then are introduced to one-variable displays.
- Bar and Pie Charts
Students use data displays like bar and pie charts to create 1- and 2-level groupings to visualize the distribution of categorical data.
- Project: Make an Infographic
Infographics are a powerful tool for communicating information, especially when made by people who understand how to connect visuals to data in meaningful ways. This project is an opportunity for students to become more flexible math thinkers while tapping into their creativity. This project supports the learning goals of our lesson on Bar and Pie Charts.
- The Data Cycle
Students are introduced to the Data Cycle, a four-step scaffold for answering questions from a dataset…and then generating the next question! Students learn to identify - and ask - statistical questions, by comparing and contrasting them with other kinds of questions.
- Project: Snack Habits
Students analyze their class' snacking habits in comparison with data on childhood obesity in the U.S. This project supports the learning goals of our lesson on The Data Cycle.
- Probability, Inference, and Sample Size
Students explore sampling and probability as a mechanism for detecting patterns. After exploring this in a binary system (flipping a coin), they consider the role of sampling as it applies to relationships in a dataset.
- Choosing Your Dataset
Students practice making a variety of chart types and then begin to investigate a real world dataset, which they will continue to work with for the remainder of the course.
- Project: Dataset Exploration
Students choose a real world dataset that is interesting to them and practice making and interpreting a range of displays using that dataset. This project spans up to nine of our Data Science lessons, each of which includes an optional section with project-specific directions. We have built a Library of Datasets to support this project.
- Histograms
Students are introduced to Histograms by comparing them to bar charts, learning to construct them by hand and in the programming environment.
- Visualizing the "Shape" of Data
Students explore the concept of "shape", using histograms to determine whether a dataset has skewness, and what the direction of the skewness means. They apply this knowledge to the Animals Dataset, and then to their own.
- Measures of Center
Students are introduced to mean, median and mode(s) and consider which of these measures of center best describes various quantitative data.
- Box Plots
Students are introduced to box plots, learn to evaluate the spread of a quantitative column, and deepen their perspective on shape by matching box plots to histogram.
- Standard Deviation
Students learn how standard deviation serves as Data Scientists' most common measure of "spread": how far all the values in a dataset tend to be from their mean. When we looked at box plots, we visualized spread based on range and interquartile range. Now we’ll return to histograms and picture the spread in terms of standard deviation.
- Scatter Plots
Students investigate scatter plots as a method of visualizing the relationship between two quantitative variables. In the programming environment, points on the scatter plot can be labelled with a third variable!
- Correlations
Students deepen their understanding of scatter plots, learning to describe and interpret direction and strength of linear relationships.
- Linear Regression
Students compute the “line of best fit” using the function for linear regression, and summarize linear relationships in a dataset.
- Ethics, Privacy, and Bias
Students consider ethical issues and privacy in the context of data science.
- Collecting Data
Students learn about the importance of careful data collection, by confronting a "dirty" dataset. They then design a simple survey of their own, gather their data, and import it into Pyret
- Project: Design a Survey
Students come up with a research question and design a survey to gather data to answer it. They exchange surveys to get some hands-on practice with clean and dirty data and incorporate what they learn to polish their surveys. This project supports the learning goals of our lesson on Collecting Data.
- Row and Column Lookups
Students learn how to extract individual rows from a table, and columns from a row.
- Functions Make Life Easier!
Students discover that they can make their own functions.
- Functions: Contracts, Examples & Definitions
Students learn to connect function descriptions across three representations: Contracts (a mapping between Domain and Range), Examples (a list of discrete inputs and outputs), and Definitions (symbolic).
- Project: Create Your Own Function
Students develop and define a function of their own. The function must take in an image and manipulate it using at least three transformations. This project supports the learning goals of Functions: Contracts, Examples & Definitions.
- Solving Word Problems with the Design Recipe
Students are introduced to the Design Recipe as a scaffold for breaking down word problems into smaller steps. They apply the Design Recipe to fixing a file that launches a rocket!
- Table Functions: Bringing it all Together
Students use the Design Recipe to define functions that consume rows, developing a structured approach to answering questions by transforming tables.
- Advanced Displays
Defining functions allows data scientists to create advanced data displays, which expose deeper insight into a dataset. This motivates students to define their own functions and deepen their analysis.
- Project: Beautiful Data
Students define row-consuming functions and combine them with advanced display contracts to create compelling data displays. This project supports the learning goals of Advanced Displays.
- Filtering and Building
Students learn about functions that work with tables, allowing them to filter and build columns
- Composing Table Operations
Students learn how to compose functions that operate on tables.
- Grouped Samples
Students practice creating grouped samples (non-random subsets) and think about why it might sometimes be useful to answer questions about a dataset through the lens of one group or another.
- Checking Your Work
Students consider the concept of trust and testing — how do we know if a particular analysis is trustworthy?
- Threats to Validity
Students consider possible threats to the validity of their analysis.
- Project: When Data Science Goes Bad
Students investigate four types of threats to validity by pretending to be “bad data scientists” who fail to consider the impact of selection bias, bias in the study design, poor choice of summary data, and confounding variables. This project supports the learning goals of our lesson on Threats to Validity.
- Project: Research Capstone
This project can be used as a capstone for Bootstrap: Data Science. It is designed to give students a deep dive into a dataset and use everything they’ve learned throughout the course, not only about making and interpreting displays, but about the practice of refining our questions through the Data Cycle and deciding which displays are most useful in telling the data’s story. This project is an extension of the Project: Dataset Exploration.
- Exploring Linear Models
Students use linear models to investigate relationships in demographic data about US states using an inquiry-based approach, involving hypothesizing, experimental and computational modeling, and sense-making.
- Exploring Quadratic Models
Students investigate quadratic relationships in data about Fuel Efficiency, using an inquiry-based model, involving hypothesizing, experimental and computational modeling, and sense-making.
- Exploring Exponential Models
Students investigate exponential relationships in data about Covid spread, using an inquiry-based model involving hypothesizing, experimental and computational modeling, and sense-making. They are introduced to table transformations and inverse functions, which are used to fit exponential models onto nonlinear data.
- Exploring Logarithmic Models
Students investigate logarithmic relationships in demographic data about countries of the world, using an inquiry-based model, involving hypothesizing, experimental and computational modeling, and sense-making.
Student Workbooks
Sometimes, the best place for students to get real thinking done is away from the keyboard! Our lesson plans are tightly integrated with a detailed Student Workbook, allowing for paper-and-pencil practice and activities that don’t require a computer. That’s why we provide a free PDF of the core workbook, as well as a link to the book with every optional exercise included.
Of course, we understand that printing them yourself can be expensive! Click here to purchase beautifully-bound copies of the student workbook from
Other Resources
Of course, there’s more to a curriculum than software and lesson plans! We also provide a number of resources to educators, including standards alignment, a complete student workbook, an answer key for the programming exercises and a forum where they can ask questions and share ideas.
Contracts Reference — Complete student-facing documentation for all the functions used in these lessons (also printed in the back of the student workbook).
Glossary — A list of vocabulary words used in this pathway. We also provide a bilingual glossary, which defines all vocabulary words across our lessons in English and Spanish.
Standards Alignment — Find out how our materials align with National and State Standards, as well as some of the most commonly used math textbooks.
Teacher-Only Resources — We also offer several teachers-only materials, including an answer key to the student workbook, keys to all the exercises, and pre- and post-tests for teachers who are participating in our research study. For access to these materials, please fill out the password request form. We’ll get back to you soon with the necessary login information.
Online Community (Discourse) — Want to be kept up-to-date about Bootstrap events, workshops, and curricular changes? Want to ask a question or pose a lesson idea for other Bootstrap teachers? These forums are the place to do it.
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting