Make sure you’ve loaded the WeScheme, clicked “Run”, and are working in the Interactions Area.
String values are always in quotes.
Try typing your name (in quotes!).
Try typing a sentence like "I’m excited to learn to code!" (in quotes!).
Try typing your name with the opening quote, but without the closing quote. Read the error message!
Now try typing your name without any quotes. Read the error message!
1 Explain what you understand about how strings work in this programming language.
2 Try typing 42
into the Interactions Area and hitting “Enter”.
3 Is 42
the same as "42"
? Why or why not? Write your answer below:
4 What is the largest number the editor can handle?
5 Try typing 0.5
. Then try typing .5
. Then try clicking on the answer. Experiment with other decimals. Explain what you understand about how decimals work in this programming language.
6 What happens if you try a fraction like 1/3
7 Try writing negative integers, fractions and decimals. What do you learn?
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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