• Sometimes a problem is too complicated to solve all at once. Maybe there are too many variables, or there is just so much information that we can’t get a handle on it!

  • We can use Problem Decomposition to break those problems down into simpler pieces, and then work with the pieces to solve the whole. There are two strategies we can use for decomposition:

    • Top-Down - Start with the "big picture", writing functions or equations that describe the connections between parts of the problem. Then, work on defining those parts.

    • Bottom-Up - Start with the smaller parts, writing functions or equations that describe the parts we understand. Then, connect those parts together to solve the whole problem.

  • You may find that one strategy works better for some types of problems than another, so make sure you’re comfortable using either one!

These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927). CCbadge Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting contact@BootstrapWorld.org.