Video games are all about change! How fast is this character moving? How does the score change if the player collects a coin? Where on the screen should we draw a castle?
We can break down a game into parts, and figure out which parts change and which ones stay the same. For example:
Computers use coordinates to position a character on the screen. These coordinates specify how far from the left (x-coordinate) and the bottom (y-coordinate) a character should be. Negative values can be used to "hide" a character, by positioning them somewhere off the screen.
When a character moves, those coordinates change by some amount. When the score goes up or down, it also changes by some amount.
From the computer’s point of view, the whole game is just a bunch of numbers that are changing according to some equations. We might not be able to see those equations, but we can definitely see the effect they have when a character jumps on a mushroom, flies on a dragon, or mines for rocks!
Modern video games are incredibly complex, costing millions of dollars and several years to make, and relying on hundreds of programmers and digital artists to build them. But building even a simple game can give us a good idea of how the complex ones work!
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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