Wow! Getting There Needs Improvement

Planning: Decomposing Flags Worksheet

I correctly identified each of the shapes in the flag, along with their corresponding colors, widths, heights, and coordinates.

I correctly identified more than half of the shapes in the flag, along with their corresponding colors, widths, heights, and coordinates.

I correctly identified some of the shapes in the flag, along with their corresponding colors, widths, heights, and coordinates.

Modeling: Paper Flags

My paper model looks just like the flag I chose. All shapes are the correct sizes, and they are correctly positioned. My cutting and gluing is accurate and tidy.

My paper model looks a lot like the flag I chose, but some (less than half) of the shapes are inaccurately sized or positioned incorrectly.

My paper model barely looks like the flag I chose. Most (more than half) of the shapes are inaccurately sized and their positioning is incorrect. My cutting and gluing is messy.

Starter File: Defining Shapes

I have given each shape in my flag a sensible name and I have provided the correct code. When I type the shape names into the interactions area and hit enter, Pyret produces the image that I would expect it to produce.

I have defined most of the shapes in my flag correctly, but there’s something wrong with one of my shapes (e.g., the color is off or the size is wrong).

I have not defined all of the shapes in my flag, or I have defined all of the shapes but there’s something wrong with most of them (e.g., the color is off or the size is wrong).

Starter File: Image Description

I have thoughtfully, clearly, and accurately described my chosen flag as a comment.

I have remembered to describe my chosen flag, but I’ve omitted an important detail in my description.

I forgot to describe my chosen flag or my description is unclear and / or inaccurate.

Starter File: Build the Image

All of the coordinates and sizes are accurate. When I type the variable I chose for the image into the interactions area, Pyret produces a proportionally correct representation of my flag.

Most of the coordinates and sizes are accurate. When I type the variable I chose for the image into the interactions area, Pyret produces a representation of my flag that looks almost exactly like the original flag.

Most of the coordinates and sizes are incorrect. When I type the variable I chose for the image into the interactions area, Pyret produces a representation of my flag that looks different from the original flag.

Elegance and Accuracy of Code

I used "Return" to break up my code into separate lines in a consistent way, to make it easier to read. I defined WIDTH and HEIGHT as values to streamline my code. I avoided rounding, instead opting to provide precise ratios (i.e. HEIGHT / 3 rather than 66.6).

I used "Return" to break up my code into separate lines. I defined WIDTH and HEIGHT but did not use them everywhere in my code. Sometimes, I rounded rather than giving the precise value.

I did not use "Return" to break up my code into separate lines. I did not define WIDTH or HEIGHT. I frequently and needlessly rounded, when I could have given the precise value.

These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927). CCbadge Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting