Decide whether each situation is best described by a linear, quadratic, or exponential function.
If the function is exponential: What is the growth factor. Is it doubling (factor of 2)? Tripling (factor of 3)? Factor of 5? 10?
1 The resale value of a car drops by a fixed percentage each year. A particular kind of car sells for $32,000, and its value drops by 12.5% each year a. When the car is brand-new (x=0), how much is it worth? $32,000 b. How much is it worth after 1 year (x=1)? c. After two years (x=2)? After three years (x=3)? Four (x=4)? d. What is the form of this function (linear, quadratic, or exponential)? e. If it’s exponential, what is the initial value? The base? Is it growth or decay? |
2 Sally is selling lemonade, for $1.25 a glass. She starts with $20 in cash, and hopes that by selling lemonade she will finally be able to get the power drill she’s been wanting. a. When Sally starts the day (x=0), how many dollars does she have? $0 b. How many dollars will she have after the first sale (x=1)? c. After the sale (x=2)? The third (x=3)? The fourth (x=4)? d. What is the form of this function (linear, quadratic, or exponential)? e. If it’s exponential, what is the initial value? The base? Is it growth or decay? |
3 Mrs. Bidwell’s club rules are that every student should high-five every other student. She starts out her year with only two students, but a new one joins the club every day. a. How many high-fives happen at the start (x=0), with 2 students? 1 b. How many high-fives happen the next day (x=1), with 3 students? c. With a fourth? (x=2)? A fifth (x=3)? A sixth (x=4)? d. What is the form of this function (linear, quadratic, or exponential)? e. If it’s exponential, what is the initial value? The base? Is it growth or decay? |
4 A meme goes viral on the internet, starting with one person posting an animation of a puppy doing a backflip into a pile of laundry. Every person that sees the meme falls in love with it, sharing it with 25 new friends. a. When the person posts it (x=0), how many total times has it been shared? 1 b. How many times will it have been shared after those friends share it (x=1)? c. When x=2? When x=3? When x=4? d. What is the form of this function (linear, quadratic, or exponential)? e. If it’s exponential, what is the initial value? The base? Is it growth or decay? |
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927). Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting