Wow! | Getting There | Needs Improvement | |
Ratio statement: Accuracy |
My ratio statement is easily understood and mathematically accurate. |
My ratio statement is mathematically accurate but a bit confusing. |
My ratio statement is mathematically inaccurate and also quite confusing. |
Ratio statement: Impact |
My ratio statement will really give those who read it something fascinating to contemplate! |
My ratio statement is interesting but probably won’t spark any deep conversations. |
My ratio statement is dull and uninspired. |
Images chosen: Accessibility |
The imagery that I used when creating my infographic is inclusive. My images avoid stereotyping and help the viewer relate to and understand the topic. |
The imagery that I used mostly avoids stereotyping. More inclusive imagery might help viewers connect with my topic better. |
The imagery that I included reinforces stereotypes and might leave some viewers feeling disconnected from my message. |
Infographic: Accuracy |
The infographic is correctly drawn to scale (every element is in the same proportion). |
There were some minor errors made in drawing the infographic to scale. |
The infographic is not accurately scaled. |
Infographic: Impact |
The strategy that I chose (repeated images / bars on a grid / area model) makes sense for my ratio statement and has a strong impact. |
The strategy that I chose makes sense but is not terribly impactful; another strategy might have been more effective at conveying my ratio statement. |
The strategy that I chose did not make sense in this context nor did it have an impact. |
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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