How many arguments does the circle function take in(circle (* 3 10) "outline" "black")?
How many arguments arguments does the string-append function take in(string-append "Happy" "Halloween")?
What is the name of the function being used in(* 4 5)?
What is the name of the function being used in(string-length "Math is fun!")?
What is the name of the outermost function being used in(rotate 45 (star 15 "solid" "orange"))?
Is "outline" the name of a function or an argument in (triangle 48 "outline" "pink")?
How many arguments does rotate expect in(rotate 45 (star 15 "solid" "orange"))?
What is the first argument to the rotate function in(rotate 45 (star 15 "solid" "orange"))?
What is the first argument to the star function in(rotate 45 (star 15 "solid" "orange"))?
What is the third argument to the star function in(rotate 45 (star 15 "solid" "orange"))?
Exercise: Identifying Parts of Expressions
Directions: Answer each of the following questions in the space provided: